Thursday, July 30, 2009

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Retouch Detouch

just a few sites i wanted to share with you

i think a lot of knowledge about retouching does not come from photoshop-skills, but by observation. starting with your local nude drawing classes to spectating the pros.
well here are some websites, that do not just pose their work, but show the whole process:


this site is just awesome. those guys collected before-and-after material from several sites (the links on the right are sets through which you can flip with the buttons at the bottom) and let processing spit out some super interesting behind the scenes material, where you can see each altered pixel and such (information behind the process)
btw - don't miss out the first picture of the - this one's just hilarious :)

Taylor James

Super inspiring team. and the step-by-step making-ofs are just huge and impressive

Glenn Feron

actually - i never heard of him, but the before-after function is always a nice bonus

Christophe Huet

definitely one of my favourite artists ever. he's not so much into portrait-retouch, but his photoshop-skills are just killer!

Brian Dilg

Greg Apodaca

only a few...but still...

i'll add some more in time, but this is alreadyenough to look at :)
(for all you thirsty eyes: Link)

(truth be told, the spoiling of our view on human perfection scares me. lots! dove made a huge video concerning this topic, i hope you all know (even tho dove are no so moral company as this video shall show...but's still advertising...enlighten yourselves)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Joey's - Making Of

Das Ergebnis (09.05.2008)
(auch anzuschauen bei "Ads Of The World")

Fast fertig (03.05.2008)

Quellbild I - Die Übergabe

Quellbild II - Die Pizzaria
Ideen-Scribble (Anfang 2008) jaja super gemalt und so :p
Der erste Test (09.04.2008)

Test mit der finalen Source-Auswahl (01.05.2008)

Vielen Dank an Detlef, Christian und Judith für die grandios unkomplizierte Unterstützung und Aufopferung eines kompletten super sonnigen Tages

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Library - Edittests

did a shoot for a student friend and quickly tried a few different approaches on the shot for myselfdecide for yourself, which one's best...if is any :)
(I'd go for the first one ;))

Thursday, February 28, 2008

the unseen one(s)

For the process of the image check the post below. all i did the last 3 hours was merging hyenas and trying to make them fit. at the end, when i wanted to make the image ready for my blogger, i hid the pack and the couple and just looked way better. expect a proper series on this
(yeah finally an image with my beloved hyenas!)

the final image

the one with the whole pack
credits for the hyena(s) go to :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


just happened to come across this photo (weak jpg, but beautiful shot taken by a friend of mine) and as the original photo was already quite nice, i wanted to see, what i can do in a few minutes with it


<3 Buxy

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Ralph saw my first shot, that i basically did just for fun and recommended making a series with at least two more motifs(sp?) and this is the first one after this suggestion.
first was a railway bridge, this one's a skywalk so my third idea of shooting a car bridge (and all of them in the same district of frankfurt) suits this work pretty good.

The Final Result
this time i was quite quicker (3-4 hours!?). mainly because i knew where i was heading, and also because i did not have to do so much cleaning up the image (last time i exchanged the posters, what took quite long)

The Base
this is what photomatix made out of my shots. i was about an hour at the location and did only two different spots, so i'm quite happy for a result like this with this minimum of effort.
(as usual with a fake backdrop....background...right... see it here)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pure Power and the Power of Change

...and the struggle of never getting it done.
i know this is pretty old stuff, but it's been the first ad, where i just sweated my whole body out, back in and out again and so this (most of the times worthless) effort finally gets its honor.
(before i forget to mention it: everything is stock. except for the trail - i started out with "building" it in 3dsmax, then trying out photos and finally programming some photoshop brushes.)

Version 1: 14.07.2007
this is the first ever made version, i did after the idea got ralph's blessings

Remarks: 15.07.2007
i did an alternate version with a little boy-girl-couple to add some depth to the image. this is what ralph thought of it

Version 2: 02.08.2007
new trail (3dsmax again :)), new look, new clouds, new arrangement

Version 3: 21.08.2007
trying diffetent background (no trail, no "real" plane, cause it was just a test)

Version 4: 29.08.2007
back to the old scenery. still not working properly

Version 5: 06.12.2007
well that's what i sent to the ADC Sushi. i did not win. dammit. who would have guessed :p
(but the trip to munich was fun tho)